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:: Opencaching API Reference
Terms of Use
When using data from Opencache.UK you must
attribute it to the author and to Opencache.UK in the form
specifyed in the Opencache.UK Data License.
OKAPI supports you in doing so by either appending the proper attribution to
geocache descriptions or providing it in a separate data field (if you are not
showing cache descriptions you must attribute the data using this separate field).
Refer to the geocache method
for further advice.
You must comply with the requirements of the Opencache.UK Data License when reproducing, displaying, copying,
formatting, compiling, or otherwise using Geocaching Data acquired through OKAPI.
When possible Opencache.UK must be a clickable link
to Opencache.UK site and if the information being displayed is
about a particular geocache, it should link to that geocache's page on
You may not:
- Copy, publish, compile, print, display, format, assemble, or otherwise use Geocaching Data
acquired through OKAPI in a manner contrary to Opencache.UK Data License.
- Delete, obscure, modify, or in any manner alter any warning, notice, attribution, or link
that appears in OKAPI or the served content.
- Hide, modify, or otherwise obscure your identity, your system's identity, or your user's
Opencache.UK account information, when using OKAPI.