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Wysokość: 62 m n.p.m.

Wielka Brytania > Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Typ skrzynki:


Gotowa do szukania

1:00 h

Długość trasy:

Data ukrycia: 24-06-2007

Data utworzenia: 25-08-2009

Data opublikowania: 25-08-2009

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 24-11-2012

7x znaleziona

0x nieznaleziona

0 komentarze
3 obserwatorów

13 odwiedzających

5 x oceniona

Oceniona jako:
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Swing Lower Cache
The cache is a 35mm film canister in plain sight, covered in high
visibility tape, attached by magnets. Please ensure cache is
replaced against the second magnet - the strong combination should
prevent accidental loss.
Contains Log, pencil, laminated geocache note, two identical
badges, one for first to find, other for second to find. To claim
first to find and second to find, you must send a confirmation
email describing the badge.
Please note that the cache is
not on the swing bridge
itself, the coordinates are extremely accurate, and rendered well
by Google Maps. If you adopt the intended access method to this
cache, you will enjoy an intimate view of the historic railway
swing bridge either before or after visiting the cache location.
Please do not climb onto the swing bridge. It is a fragile listed
The historic swing bridge is in the centre of the photo, with
the yellow and black indicator boards. Please don't climb on

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