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 Log entries Berra Tor    {{found}} 2x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x   Show deletions Show deletions

5111 2019-03-31 23:36 dave.johnson (user activity273) - Found it

This is a great spot, although not been down here for a few years.. My first ever visit to this place was in the late 70s when myself and a few school buddies hiked from Plymouth out to Hatch Mill. The mill was derelict then and full of interesting old stuff, like food cans - unopened and intact, tools and the remains of the working mill. It was fascinating site so we camped beside it--on more than one occassion. Our last visit was a bit different as it was all sold and the new landowner hoiked us off up the road and said the nearest place we could go was Berra Tor.. so we camped there-- without any water!  thanks for bringing me back.. 

5104 2017-04-28 17:35 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

Log From

This was my sister and I's favourite place when we were children. We called the secret tor, We both liked to jump out of the car to get the gate and then spent hours climbing around on the tor! Wow had it over grown since i was last here 20 years ago.

Thanks for a trip down memory lane. Sadly i didn't find the other other cache nearby like the CO.