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 Log entries St Winnow Point    {{found}} 7x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x  

6468 2022-10-30 15:24 Gribben (user activity120) - Archived

The cache has been archived.

4510 2018-04-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Gribben!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

2693 2013-07-13 20:00 spooky_luke (user activity31) - Found it

Parked at St Winnow Church and walked out with CornishCandy as she still had to find the Multi at the church. We really enjoyed our walk out through the woods as we’d never visited this bit before. As we approached GZ we saw the cracking views down through the trees and over the water towards Golant. Cache located after a bit of a search. Sadly, the container has got wet and the log is damp but still useable. The Munzee hasn’t lasted so well and the ink has run so it doesn’t scan. Many thanks for another great cache in a super location.

2239 2012-03-16 18:09 eblee-morladers (user activity20) - Found it

Never been this side before nice walk TFTC

1922 2011-08-27 12:33 recommendation Lord Darcy (user activity132) - Found it

A fair walk from the car (parked at Lerryn) but worth it. Would have looked for the other nearby cache but the battery was dying on my phone.

Signed the log and scanned the Munzee.

Thanks for both.



1778 2011-05-30 14:30 cleavey (user activity4) - Found it

Found on a lovely sunny afternoon after the rain in the morning, a typical bank holiday! Thoroughly enjoyed the walkt to the cache an area i've not explored before, i'm sure we'll return, not only for the nearby caches but for the tea and cake at the museum in St Winnow!!

Great views from the cache, took pathtag left trolley keyring and coastguard agency float come stress ball! TFTC

1740 2011-05-15 17:34 Spannerman (user activity192) - Found it

I parked at St Winnow and after packing all the gear I could in the bike panniers set off with my picnic. I had intended stopping at this cache for lunch but the cache site wasn't brilliant to sit and although there was a seat up on the path, it was very busy with dog walkers today. I did find a nice little spot down by the riverside so had lunch before attempting to find this one. It took a little while to locate as I didn't  have the spoiler picture and although the coords were very good, there were many places to hide a cache. Got it eventually though so very happy once again.

Thanks for another one.

151 2009-12-28 00:00 minimise (user activity36) - Found it

<p>After success at the Ethy Woods cache we headed over the hill to St Winnow and took the riverside path back to St Winnow Point. I'm ashamed to say this was the first time I have walked from St Winnow to Lerryn by this route having previously taken the inland route.</p><p>We found the cache with a little help from the spoiler picture. Took micro container and left something (but can't quite remember what<img src="lib/tinymce4/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif" border="0" alt="Frown" title="Frown" />). Thanks for an excellent cache and a good circular walk. </p>

147 2009-12-28 00:00 garfiethecat (user activity19) - Found it

FTF Laughing whilst out with Minimise,  lovely views from here. TFTC!!