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 Log entries Standing upright    {{found}} 7x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x  

6682 2023-10-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello ed-don!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

6624 2023-08-08 16:06 recommendation dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

Always a fan of an OoenCache I took a very small diversion for this one today.

At GZ I looked high and low, looking for some sort of inspiration. I came up empty handed. I ended up resorting to a PAF. While I was waiting for a response I decided to look on the other side of the road. Something immediately caught my eye.

Absolutely brilliant

Unfortunately there is a hole in the bag which is allowing the logbook to get damp


August 8, 2023 15:06



6546 2023-04-18 19:01 C-M (user activity4) - Note

Walked past this today and can confirm it is still here.

6398 2022-07-01 11:34 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Found it

After I had decided on coming to Exeter today this cache was high on my list of priorities. A very long descent down Peep Lane, has anybody counted those steps, soon brought me close to this cache. A nightmare crossing the road which seemed a continuous stream of traffic. After a quick look around there could only be one possible hide for this cache but amazingly I failed to spot the cache, expecting it to be hidden in a different way, but of course I did spot it and signed the logbook. I have to rate this hide as one of the best I have ever seen and I have been thinking ever since how this could be adapted elsewhere. Many thanks for thinking this up and placing which definitely gets an Excellent rating from me.

6441 2021-12-31 00:05 emmer281 (user activity1) - Found it

I was visiting a muggle friend for New Year and, as he doesn't mind me caching, some caches too.  I spotted this on c:geo map and was intrigued. I hadn't done any Open Cache caches, so had to divert our walk to check it out. Initially a little stumped, but there there was an Eureka moment and bingo log in hand.  Signed and replaced as found. 

Several months later (Sept 2022!) I've finally set up an Open Cache account and logging this find. 

Thanks for placing, and here's to more OC caches for me.

6227 2021-12-19 12:26 The Cooke Family (user activity11) - Found it

Having a caching day around Exeter today and since I was passing this one i would be rude to not remove it from the map especially after spending last night in the company of the CO, his wife and friends


The Cooke Family

5804 2021-03-18 13:58 C-M (user activity4) - Found it

I recently had a look into other Geocaching services within C:Geo and was surprised to see there were caches to be found that weren't on the official site. and both feature caches in Devon.

It's also surprising that nobody has found this since 2018 and only two people ever since it started. A shame, since this is a cool cache. The name was more of a hint than anything. Great idea.

TFTC ed-don! My first opencache. Logged with Chrizz1210 (No account yet) #1

5132 2019-04-22 15:41 ed-don (user activity148) - Ready to be found

The cache is ready to be found. Good Luck!

5131 2019-04-22 15:40 ed-don (user activity148) - Maintenance performed

Ready to go again

4906 2018-12-14 11:31 ed-don (user activity148) - Temporarily unavailable

I need to add a more waterproof logbook. Back soon!

4888 2018-12-01 15:15 ChudleighTraveller (user activity32) - Found it

I've been meaning to come look for this cache since it was published, being the only opencache currently in Exeter.  Today I found myself only a few hundred metres along the road so I thought to myself now is my chance.  I headed over to GZ and after a brief search around I spotted something which did make me laugh to myself, I knew I had located the cache, but signing the log would prove much more tricky because of the continuous stream of muggles.  I wasn't overly bothered by the passing traffic, and so I waited for about ten minutes for a brief break inpassers by.  Now was my chance, and I popped my initials onto the log before packing everything away.  Certainly a fun urban cache here which I enjoyed.

4783 2018-08-30 14:38 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Found it

What can I say, lol, lol lol.... this made I laff! proper job cache.  Panic set in at first as I poked around in this pleasant little area with private parking kindly provided by the CO (I hope).  On finding the cache I decided either mine or the COs GPS needed checking.. I started a fair way away from CO.. probably due to the structure in the hint.  Many thanks for setting this one up... "I would have come around and collected my Geojunk without this cache being set..honest guv!"

4776 2018-08-28 16:56 OC Team - OC Team comment

The cache was approved by the OC Team