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 Log entries GP21 - Belstone Tor    {{found}} 13x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x  

6659 2023-09-03 09:42 Ecky (user activity111) - Found it

Very busy here even though it is only 09:14. A constant stream of walkers coming past. Luckily the cache is out of sight. TFTC

6486 2022-12-29 10:21 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

Dixie_Gooner and I have got together to have a stab at the opencache geopath again. With a plan to pick up as many as we can along the way.

Thanks Dartmoor Dave for the cache.

Find Number - 108
Thursday - 29 December 2022

6491 2022-12-29 10:20 dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

I was out for a day's caching with NSCR as we attempted some more of the OoenCache Geopath.

Once again I was on the wrong side of the Tor. We chopped and changed a few times before I heard NSCR announce that he had found it


December 29, 2022 09:20



6439 2022-09-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Dartmoor Dave!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

6359 2022-05-08 00:26 recommendation dave.johnson (user activity271) - Found it

Second OC of the day..its still misty, and noisey with the 10 Tors helicopters. Eventually the spoiler lined up and there it was.. TFTC 

6356 2022-05-06 09:23 ed-don (user activity148) - Found it

Wow this one was tucked a long way back! I tried to hook it out with my walking pole but resorted to sticking my hand in and undoing one clip to give me something to grab on to.

This is my best day for opencache finds thanks to this geopath. I don't tend to complete series like this in one hit, I prefer to drag out the enjoyment over several visits.


6277 2022-01-31 17:52 Brentorboxer (user activity94) - Found it

We found the wind stronger as we got higher but that's to be expected, at least the cache site was out of the wind. TFTC.

6273 2022-01-31 17:13 windrush cache hunter (user activity97) - Found it

Continuing our walk along the ridge I was reminded of trying to stand on Sourton Tor in a 40 mph wind, I don't think it was much less here today but at least it was dry! Cache was a quick spot and off to the next.  Many thanks.

6179 2021-10-13 10:45 Gribben (user activity120) - Found it

I had to wait for a large walking group to pass through before a quick retrieve, then on heading south (out of order).


6012 2021-06-10 17:38 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Found it

After leaving Tors End, where we sat watching the cloud lift and the sun come out, and had our lunch.  We negotiated our way towards this cache, having spied Amberel scaling the "cliff" at the Tors End site.  Having realized that all or most of these caches are no suitable for Mr W to attempt, he was left with the bag, and I did any bit of scrambling over rocks, which I have always enjoyed and still do, although more carefully now than in the past.  Yet again looking at the spoiler photo, and the GPS cache quickly located. On towards the last one for us today.

6035 2021-06-10 12:25 Amberel (user activity611) - Found it

A most impressive tor, in a part of Dartmoor I rarely visit, maybe only once before.

The spoiler was very helpful here :-)

Today I had remembered to bring along my swaps, so I traded a set of screwdrivers for a personal attack alarm.

Thanks for the cache,

Rgds, Andy

5980 2021-06-06 02:19 Charlottejones199 (user activity64) - Found it

Not in the first place i looked but didn't take too long to track down ,thanks

5933 2021-06-04 20:00 CMOS21 (user activity25) - Found it

Another one that took us longer than it probably should of!

5910 2021-06-01 18:15 Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Found it

FTF at 18:15

Spotted the cache fairly quickly but it was on end at more than arm's length in its hiding place, possibly blown further in by stormy winds since it was placed?

Found a stick to hoick it back out, and to sign yet another virgin log.

Replaced as per the hint, but in a slightly more accessible position than I found it.