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 Log entries GP23 - North Dartmoor Geopath Bonus    {{found}} 8x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x  

6708 2023-12-11 12:01 recommendation Ecky (user activity109) - Found it

At last, I found it. This one and GP24 were my main reason for coming to this area today. The weather forecast was fine, albeit, it didn't turn out as good as predicted. However, I am used to this by now.

It took me a very long time to get the price. Instead of a one day walk, as planned originally, I was stopped by the bog between Cranmere Pool and Hangingstone Hill. So it took me two days to walk both sides. And on the second walk to Hangingstone Hill I was too knackered to go to Taw Head (GP11). So a third time was needed. But who doesn't like a good walk in the Moors. I have to go back to Cranmere Pool anyway. That was a DNF, but that is for longer days to come.

Despite the three walks, I was still missing a number. I guess 20 years of caching still haven't taught me enough. I have now learned what I've missed. But thanks to DD I was helped out of my misery.

I had already made waypoint every 10 degree to see if I could find the cache without the last number, but luckily I didn't have too. Having found the cache I doubt I would have found it anyway.

So having found the price, I was contemplating if I deserve to take the coin. My track record is not good. The only coin I ever had was a 2014 which I bought when staying with the CO. It disappeared with the first cache physically placed in.

However, when I saw the picture on the 2016 coin I decided I deserve it. Hay Tor is my back yard.

I will not set it free, I think I will make it track me on Dartmoor.

Now off to GP24 which the second one in this round that I haven't found. But first a few letterboxes and other caches in the area.


Recently modified on 2023-12-13 10:56:13 by user Ecky - totally modified 1 time.

6678 2023-09-15 17:50 Ecky (user activity109) - Note

Ah well, not a DNF, more a trial and error. I am missing one letter/number so I made a few waypoints by adding random numbers, but with no spoiler photo (very clever) I didn't have a chance. So many nice hides along the way. Lets hope I'll manage to get the last letter somewhere. I must have been blind when walking around, or very very unlucky that it is in the 2 DNFs.

6496 2023-01-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Dartmoor Dave!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

6494 2022-12-30 12:00 dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

I was out for a day's caching with NSCR as we attempted some more of the OpenCache Geopath.

We had intended to make another big dent into this series, but the weather wasn't favourable and we cut our day short. However, we did have enough information to gather this bonus - although that was never our intention.

We were surprised to see that there was still a FTF prize in the box. But we left this as we haven't completed the series and   probably have the coin already


December 29, 2022



6489 2022-12-29 13:42 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

Dixie_Gooner and I have got together to have a stab at the opencache geopath again. With a plan to pick up as many as we can along the way.

We have left the coins alone. We have the required bonus numbers but have not completed enough to claim a coin. Happy to get this. Now to finish the series in the sunshine in 2023.

Thanks Dartmoor Dave for the cache.

Find Number - 111
Thursday - 29 December 2022

6202 2021-10-15 13:45 recommendation Gribben (user activity120) - Found it

I was keen to attempt the GeoPath as a continuous walk, but shortening day length and additional some caching diversions along the route lead me to plan a two and a half day walk with two nights wild camping. The weather, range timings and work schedules finally coincided this week so off I went for a thoroughly enjoyable break on the wilds of Dartmoor. 

It's always a pleasure to be out on the Moor, even better when there are lots of quality caches to hunt down. The coordinates all seemed precise and access to useful clues and spoiler photos is very much appreciated (and used). I was also pleased to discover plenty of good sized containers with room for a bit of swag. Many thanks for your efforts in setting up an excellent series and many thanks also for the beautiful geocoin that I was thrilled to find waiting in the bonus box.


6037 2021-06-10 13:10 recommendation Amberel (user activity611) - Found it

Given my abysmal track record for finding caches, I was so pleased to have arrived here with a full house:-)My heart sank a bit as I approached and saw the area it was in, but fortunately the co-ords were good (as always) and the cache was soon in hand :-)

I swapped a steel rule for a pair of Sony headphones.

Thanks for the cache and for a great "first GeoPath in the UK":-)#1 received one of my scarce recommendations, and this bonus gets another:-)And the entire GeoPath receives a TOP CACHE geocoin, see for details.

Rgds, Andy

5982 2021-06-06 02:24 recommendation Charlottejones199 (user activity64) - Found it

Managed to pick up the necessary info on the way around and after a bit of simple maths the new coordinates looked good , once at gz the cache was again quickly found. Many thanks for the great prize which awaited me

5956 2021-06-04 20:00 recommendation CMOS21 (user activity25) - Found it

Our first ever bonus cache. We were not too sure if we had put it in right so were very glad to find the cache after a fairly quick search. 

Love the geo coin, thank you.

5912 2021-06-01 19:25 recommendation Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Found it

FTF at 19:25

Made hard work of this by thinking I'd missed one set of Bonus numbers, even though they were there in my notes - twice!

Worked out the search area and was working my way along it when communication with the CO let me know where the "missing" information should have been. The penny dropped and the final co-ordinates were re-calculated, less than 100 feet from where I was searching!

A quick find then followed, and the first of the FTF prizes was gratefully received.

TFTC and for a great series with plenty of challenging hides - if spoiler pictures are not used - and well-presented and stocked caches throughout.