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 Log entries Somewhere on Dartmoor Moving Cache 2    {{found}} 12x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 7x Gallery   Show deletions Show deletions

5766 2020-12-29 13:30 plymplodders (user activity2) - Moved

New location.

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5755 2020-12-24 14:37 plymplodders (user activity2) - Found it


Picked up this one today as I needed the geocoin in it. Walked around the rock twice before finding it. Will move elsewhere soon.




5649 2020-08-22 15:30 soil_star (user activity7) - Didn't find it

No luck for me. I hope that somebody else got here first and hasn't logged it yet? I don't think I have just overlooked it, I thought I had searched pretty well. I couldn't get the spoiler at the rock, but once I could get signal I checked that I'd been searching in the right place. It seems like an area that would have a low chance of muggling. I'll keep it on my watchlist and hope that somebody else has more luck.

5607 2020-07-15 14:21 ed-don (user activity148) - Moved

Correcting the east/west anomaly

5605 2020-07-15 14:19 ed-don (user activity148) - Moved

Left in a gap next to a large rock with a great view overlooking Powder Mills. Spoiler photo attached but you won't need it!

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5604 2020-07-15 14:17 ed-don (user activity148) - Found it

My second moving cache in as many hours. I wonder why these two have gravitated towards one another?

I thought about leaving the cache where it was but given it has been here for a year I opted to move it elsewhere. The presence of a SoD coin was a welcome bonus! TFTC

5573 2020-05-29 19:01 The orangutan (user activity1) - Found it

Nice walk out to this one to get coin information and picked up my 1st open cache tftc 

5401 2019-11-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Dartmoor Dave!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

5372 2019-09-19 14:11 Ochico (user activity84) - Moved

Moved to new site on a bright & sunny day.

Under a seat type rock.


Pictures for this log entry:
SOD site
SOD site

5371 2019-09-19 12:10 recommendation Ochico (user activity84) - Found it

This was the objective for today’s trek on the Moor - and what a day it was - wall to wall sunshine. We had not see a soul all morning but near Gz we saw quite a few people. Some were setting off towards Browns House and other on their way to Brandon Tor. Only one place it could have been. Think the container has got wet at sometime some of the card and coin marked! Will enter new site soon.

5361 2019-09-02 18:03 Harry the furry squid (user activity0) - Moved

Came in search of the cache and the SoD2 geocoin, found after a short search. All good fun, many thanks for setting this one. Cache seems to have been in the same place for a while, so have moved it on.

New hide: Under square-ish flat rock with one rounded-off corner.

4670 2018-06-30 22:39 heartradio (user activity48) - Moved

Whoops, forgot to correct the default 'East' setting. It's definitely on West now.


You didn't see that, it didn't happen. Not at all

4669 2018-06-30 22:36 heartradio (user activity48) - Moved

Relocated this one to a new location today, I know it's a bit awkward and 'out of the way' in caching terms but it's a nice spot - I couldn't resist going down towards the river for a look. Surprised there's no cache here already! Should be an easy find, it's under a rock! See spoiler photo.

Pictures for this log entry:
View from the new GZ
View from the new GZ
Obligatory Walking Pole Spoiler
Obligatory Walking Pole Spoiler

4660 2018-06-23 22:23 heartradio (user activity48) - Found it

Headed over from the Ranny Brook Falls to find this one today, as it's about time it moved from this bit of moor, eh? Soon located the container at GZ, picked it up to move on. There was about 7cm of water inside too, so I've dried it out a bit! Will relocate it next week.

4232 2017-10-06 15:38 dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

I received a call from NSCR asking if I was at work. Luckily enough I had the afternoon off. He had a plan to come out to this side of the moor to grab a couple of SOD coins that we both required and invited me along. As luck would have it I was on the right side of the moor and joined him for this. We found the cache, recorded the cache information and the coin information bd=efore replacing as found as we don't get out on the moors as much as we used to.


4231 2017-10-06 15:28 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

I have been looking at this cache all summer and not been able to make it out this way so i decided today was the day. We left the cache where it was. Thanks for the cache

4067 2017-06-25 22:46 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Found it

This cache visit and move was one of the main objectives of the day.. it formed part of a great walk out from Harford and took in visits to Sharp Tor, Blatchford, Penn Beacon, Bledge brook, Three Barrows and Weatherdon hill..  many thanks again for setting this up..

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4066 2017-06-25 22:43 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Moved

5215 2017-03-24 17:30 Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Found it

Found quickly with the aid of the spoiler photo.

Signed the log but left the cache in situ because we are coming to the end of our current break on Dartmoor.


4395 2017-01-25 16:27 windrush cache hunter (user activity97) - Found it

Found and signed whilst on a coin hunt almost a year ago (see log date).  At the time I wasn't logging Open Caches on line and didn't have access to my account due to lost info. Thanks for this cache which I left where it was for obvious reasons! 

3660 2017-01-22 16:24 hev-va (user activity35) - Found it

Found It!  Our first ever Opencaching Geocache! Co-ordinates were spot on, easy to find and didn't need a spoiler.

Now that we've started using the site, I'm sure we will come back for more!

Today was a wonderful day to be out on the moors - the weather was warm and sunny and the views magnificent.

A moving cache is an intereresting concept - and adds another dimension.  I would love to try moving one on sometime, but for the moment, I'll stick to simple things such as logging the cache.  Also, not sure whether would be allowed yet as have to find 3 caches before placing one of my own.



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3649 2017-01-18 19:37 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Moved

This is the new position for this cache. Under rock.

3642 2017-01-13 20:35 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Note

Will post new co-ordinates ASAP found new home.

3641 2017-01-13 20:32 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Found it

Thanks.  A rather cold wind, but kept on the move so didn't get cold. The slight covering of snow made walking easier, softer to the joints. Have picked up the cache and contents to move to a different location.

3650 2016-11-23 00:00 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Moved

Starting coordinates