Wpisy do logu Swing Lower
2014-05-15 14:44
Dan Q
- Znaleziona
The following log was originally posted elsewhere:
After my visit the other day, I went home, read some of the logs, and thought about this cache. Boards? Boards are something that people worry about when they're not Batman. A cache that's placed in the middle of dead space? That's not a problem Batman would have. I can be Batman, sure. I AM BATMAN!
So today, I finished work, changed into a set of loose clothing (that I could comfortably climb in and wouldn't mind having to swim in if I had to), rallied my coworker and fellow 'cacher kateevery to act as my eyes-on-land - and my photographer - and set out to the bridge.
The boards on the side I opted to start my expedition from were a little more-troublesome - stretching farther out over the water - than the one I'd taken on before, but that hardly mattered: today, I was Batman. A grab and a leap, and I was on the other side. Next came the tough bit - the crossing: no Bat-Belt; no Batarang... but I still had my pure Batmanosity. Leaping up and bracing myself against the beams, I began shuffling across. Just as I began to tire, kateevery - my very own Robin - called out, "just four more steps", exactly the motivation I needed to complete my crossing and grab the cache.
Totally great location. Totally Batman expedition. Totally adding this cache to my favourites.
EDIT: I've now written a blog post about the experience - http://www.scatmania.org/2014/05/18/batman-geocaching/