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 Wpisy do logu Belstone Stroll (Winter Tor)    {{found}} 8x {{not_found}} 6x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Galeria  

3691 2016-09-07 16:59 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Znaleziona

I failed dismally on this cache a month ago but came back determined to find it.  This time I came armed with a proper sighting compass rather than the compass on my iPhone which is ok, but not accurate enough for letterbox type hints.  However, I discovered that the sighting compass didn't put me in the same position as the GPS and I noticed that other had made similar comments, and they all found it relying on their GPS alone.  So I ignored the compass and concentrated on the GPS and eventually managed to retrieve the cache which was very well hidden and on the coordinates !  I then used my sighting compass to check the bearings and I made the centre of the holly 38 degrees.  With that bearing everything else lined up perfectly.  So I have now completed this excellent series which I have thoroughly enjoyed, so TFTC and for the series.