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Toon cache statistieken
Ashplats Cache - Pegasus Path - OK0317
Eigenaar: jamesa60
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: 126 meter NAP
 Provincie: Verenigd Koninkrijk > Surrey, East and West Sussex
Cache soort: Traditionele Cache
Grootte: Klein
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Geplaatst op: 14-04-2013
Gemaakt op: 27-06-2013
Gepubliceerd op: 27-06-2013
Laatste verandering: 27-06-2013
3x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
0 Opmerkingen
watchers 0 Volgers
9 x Bekeken
2 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: n/b
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Cache attributen

Available 24/7  Available during winter  Nature preserve / Breeding season  Rated on  Contains a Munzee  All seasons 

Lees ook het Opencaching attributen beschrijving artikel.
Beschrijving EN

Ashplats wood is one of the best kept woods in East Grinstead. The woodland is maintained by Ashplats Wood Conservation Group ( who often do litter picking and coppicing to keep the woodland in top condition. The woodland is also a West Sussex Site of Nature Conservation Importance within the High Wield Area of Outstanding natural beauty.

The woodland contains other geocaches which takes you all around the woods which is a lovely place to walk. So while you are not looking for the geocaches, take in the scenery in and around the beautiful woodland.

During late April/early May, the bluebells are in full bloom and add to be beauty of the woodland.

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