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Wysokość: 94 m n.p.m.

Wielka Brytania > Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Typ skrzynki:


Gotowa do szukania

1:00 h

Długość trasy:
2.00 km

Data ukrycia: 17-07-2012

Data utworzenia: 17-07-2012

Data opublikowania: 17-07-2012

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 17-07-2012

5x znaleziona

2x nieznaleziona

0 komentarze
2 obserwatorów

12 odwiedzających

2 x oceniona

Oceniona jako:
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aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
This cache was originally the final of our Groundspeak-listed "A Tribute Cache" (GC12KJZ), a complicated puzzle (a little too complicated, if the truth be told). When extensive forestry work near one of the stages made the cache untenable we considered simply archiving it but this is a lovely forest and the hiding place is so good that it seemed a shame not to continue to use it.
We considered replicating the puzzle on Opencaching.org.uk but as the cache had only twenty-six finds in five years on Groundspeak we suspect it would never be found if we made it a puzzle. So here, as a tribute to "A Tribute Cache", is a straightforward traditional, hence the cache name.
The direct route to the cache is only a short stroll though the forest is vast with plenty of caches nearby and you can take as long a walk as your time and inclination allows.
The best place to park is the free car park of Savernake Park at N51°24.104 W000°43.645. Savernake Park is itself worth a visit, being a pleasant oasis with a lake, including resident Canada geese and heron, and excellent children's playground at N51°24.208 W000°43.653. From the car park walk southeast along the road to the well hidden pedestrian entrance to the forest at N51°24.005 W000°43.424 then follow your GPS.
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