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St. Ann's Hill - the very noisy one - OK04E7
Właściciel: Amberel
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Wysokość: m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Wielka Brytania > Surrey, East and West Sussex
Typ skrzynki: Tradycyjna
Wielkość: Mała
Status: Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 17-03-2021
Data utworzenia: 17-03-2021
Data opublikowania: 17-03-2021
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 17-03-2021
0x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
0 komentarze
watchers 0 obserwatorów
7 odwiedzających
0 x oceniona
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Atrybuty skrzynki

Parking nearby  Hilly Terrain 

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Opis EN

St. Ann's Hill is almost surrounded by the M3 and M25 motorways. The noise is intrusive, but if you can ignore it, it is a nice place to walk. Unfortunately it is not possible to ignore it at this particular cache location because it is a few feet from where the M25 slip road branches off the M3!

St. Ann's Hill is the site of a prehistoric fort, and At. Ann's Chapel was built on top of the hill about 700 years ago, though little remains of either. Nun's Well is the source of an ancient spring, though the current construction is probably less than 200 years old.

This is one of several traditional caches dotted around the route of St. Ann's Hill - The Ramble and is a short detour from the route.


Dodatkowe waypointy
Symbol Typ Współrzędne Opis
Parking --- Parking for a dozen cars inside the gates. There is also space for a couple more outside the gates.
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