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 Log entries Twelve Mens Moor    {{found}} 17x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 1x Gallery  

6649 2023-09-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Gribben!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

6648 2023-08-30 13:04 recommendation Collie_dogs (user activity26) - Found it

Beautiful views from here!



6382 2022-06-13 13:00 retallickramblers (user activity39) - Found it

Out for a walk on the moors this morning. Good to see an Opencache nearby, Soon found once the GPS had settled down. Thanks for bringing us here and thanks for the Opencache.

5644 2020-07-02 18:03 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Found it

Our previous opencache had been the one on Sharp Tor but my caching partner needed a few GC caches along Kilmar Tor so we approached from that direction. We certainly didn't pick the easiest route as we came straight along the ridge which had not been necessary at all, but was a great deal of fun for a couple of cachers in their 70s! We came on to this cache which was fairly easy to find and quickly spotted, tftc.

5591 2020-07-02 11:24 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Found it

The second cache belonging to this cache owner on our long walk today.  We had an enjoyable time, transversing the ridge on Twelve Mens Moor, to which ends, I suspect both of us will suffer tomorrow.  Great views along the top, and some fantastic boulders.  I really think that this ridge of tors is harder than any on Dartmoor.  The paths also are less used, so keeping an eye open for a path was paramount, and the sheep in this area, or lack of, didnt seem to be very helpful, pathwise.  Great cache again thankyou.

5421 2019-12-08 18:56 The Wanderer (user activity49) - Found it

This is always a treat coming out to Kilmar Tor, a lot of people will think I'm mad, but I get real excitement clambering over this tor!! I visited this cache with Dave.johnson a couple of years ago, but forgot to log. So, better late than never. Off across the valley to Newel Tor before heading back to Craddock Moor.

5425 2019-12-08 10:54 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Note

Just making a record of my visit here with The Wanderer-- having already signed the log in 2017.. all good here.

4788 2018-09-03 16:05 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

Nice to fins this one today. With the original log book too.

Great condition, great cache. No visibility at all today mind

Recently modified on 2018-09-03 22:18:20 by user NSCR - totally modified 1 time.

4164 2017-08-06 10:19 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Found it

In the area today letterboxing- extreme letterboxing! This was also on my must do list, great spot- cache in excellent condition -thankyou.

Recently modified on 2017-11-08 23:06:09 by user dave.johnson - totally modified 1 time.

3268 2016-01-16 10:00 fearn67 (user activity1) - Found it

First geocaching trip and found it after about 15min of looking.  Thank you.

2719 2013-08-16 21:30 smudge42 (user activity14) - Didn't find it

I was Chirpily Touring the Tors - that was until I failed to find this one!! It was very wet in the low cloud and despite scrambling on my knees to search amongst the rocks, I failed to find the prize.

2573 2013-03-13 05:00 Headlanders (user activity12) - Found it

Found this whilst on a trek starting from Minions and via Sharp Tor Bearah Tor and Kilman Tor.

Quite interesting to see the sets of the old tramway so high on the hillside nearby.

This was to be my last cache of the day before heading back to Minions across the moorland.

Thank you for placing another great cache.

2552 2013-03-03 12:30 spooky_luke (user activity31) - Found it

Originally found this as a Geocache on 28/06/2009 after attending The Picnic in the Rain Event. Great spot - Many thanks for the cache [:)]

2329 2012-05-12 17:00 Seaglass Pirates (user activity6) - Found it

We had already cleared this place of caches but longed to return. And we did still have four caches left to get. As we got near to them from the parking area at North Hill we flashed up the munzee ap. And what did we see, there was a munzee over this way. Then we discovered another opencache surrounding the munzee. What a reward. Not only a munzee, an opencache too. Well worth the walk. The wind was picking up a lot by now but the sunshine was glorious. Seaglass Pirate No.1 headed off for the furthest geocache and I text him to say there was yet another Munzee that way. And as it turned out, another open cache. What a day. Brilliant and TFTC 

2183 2012-01-22 14:45 lloyd77 (user activity5) - Found it

Found this cache after a great day with a group of 12 other cachers (including the cache owner Gribben) spending a day out on the Moors. Very windy, but excellent day. Great cache in good condition and as a bonus got a first to capture on the Mystery Munzee and bagged 25 points. Cheers Gribben..

1152 2010-08-15 12:29 wellchuffed (user activity4) - Found it

Took us quite a while to find this cache. Looked under the corners of nearly every slab of granite in the vicinity similar to what is described in the hint. We were just about to move on to another cache when at last we spotted it under a rock we must have looked under before several times but missed it. In our defence it was slightly covered by ferns. Great views from the cache in fact across the valley there seemed to have been a car rally going on. TFTC

1136 2010-08-11 07:26 garfiethecat (user activity19) - Found it

Found on what was (finally!) a warm sunny day.  Fantastic views from here.  TFTC!

286 2010-02-25 00:00 Spannerman (user activity192) - Found it

I was blindly following the arrow over from Bearah Tor with the occasional detour round a boggy bit and once I found the old trackbed I followed that until close to the cache. No problem with finding it and after the briefest of refreshment breaks I set the GPS back to Sharp Tor then headed off again.

It was very eerie as the fog was getting thicker and I could hear animals all round me making whatever noises they make when they are uneasy and I did wonder if the Beast was out wanderingSurprised

Ayway, thanks for the cache, I did manage to get off the moor safe and sound.

251 2010-02-06 00:00 minimise (user activity36) - Found it

Having failed at Sharp Tor I headed across the moor to see if I could have more luck at this one. En route I could see (and hear) the dreaded horses and hounds traversing Kilmar Tor in an easterly direction so thought Freddie and I should be OK now.

Nearing the cache area we could see a few trucks by the gateway of the private fenced off land across the valley and wondered if they knew something we didn't. They did, but by the time the whole procession reached them we were far enough away at the cache site and they were heading in the other direction into the private land.

The cache was a nice quick straightforward find. Signed log TNLN. A great walk on a lovely winter's day. Thanks for another good cache. 

Pictures for this log entry:
Marker no.10 en route to cache
Marker no.10 en route to cache

221 2009-07-05 00:00 windrush cache hunter (user activity97) - Found it

Visited form the originallisting and enjoyed it!  Thanks again for the cache