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 Log entries Twelve Mens Moor    {{found}} 17x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 1x Gallery  

5591 2020-07-02 11:24 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Found it

The second cache belonging to this cache owner on our long walk today.  We had an enjoyable time, transversing the ridge on Twelve Mens Moor, to which ends, I suspect both of us will suffer tomorrow.  Great views along the top, and some fantastic boulders.  I really think that this ridge of tors is harder than any on Dartmoor.  The paths also are less used, so keeping an eye open for a path was paramount, and the sheep in this area, or lack of, didnt seem to be very helpful, pathwise.  Great cache again thankyou.