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 Log entries The Bedford Stones, Dartmoor.    {{found}} 18x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 2x Gallery  

6536 2023-03-19 12:46 Ecky (user activity109) - Found it

On Roos Tor today for a GC meeting. I made a morning out of it with finding letterboxes and opencaches. Took a moment, but soon spotted something out of place. TFTC

6294 2022-02-27 19:28 Charlottejones199 (user activity64) - Found it

A fairly quick find here this morning and please to say everything is in perfect condition.thanks

5598 2020-07-10 14:38 wanderingwillies (user activity95) - Found it

A different day, a different walk.  Carpark not very busy on arrival, but by the time we returned packed.  Nice and ward out of the wind but in it layers prved a bonus.  Cache quickly found thankyou, and all was well inside.

5680 2020-06-20 22:38 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Note

I think I must be completely losing it! I had no recollection of having already found this cache so on a lovely June day Judy and I decided to take the dogs and find the 2 opencaches on Roos Tor.  However, we found the nearby Gribben cache first and as soon as I opened the cache I realised that not only had I already found it but that I had stamped it with my letterboxing stamp. We had found that cache 2 and a half years ago whilst letterboxing nearby so assumed that we had also come on to find this one. Once we arrived here today we could confirm that we had also found this cache on the same day.  Very pleased to say that the cache is still in excellent condition. 

5296 2019-07-06 22:33 agentmancuso (user activity34) - Found it

I think that's the longest hint I've ever read. But I managed to find it without too much bother anyway on the way between Tors.

4609 2018-06-07 14:10 NSCR (user activity120) - Found it

On a walk with smithy138 and DixieGooner today this was the second opencache of the day which is nice

a well hidden cache and the original log book :-)

Recently modified on 2018-06-07 17:24:03 by user NSCR - totally modified 1 time.

4674 2018-06-07 12:24 dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

I had the day off work today and a plan was formulated to go caching with Smithy138 and Mr NSCR. I wasnt quite free as a bird as I had a social engagement this evening, so had to ensure that wherever we went, we could be back in time. Firstly Smithy suggested Cox Tor, then NSCR suggested Roos Tor. What an excellent choice. there was also the chance of a small diversion for a FTF. It was a great time of the year to do this as I have never known the moor to be so dry and we managed to push our luck as we walked through some of the more boggy areas.


A nice easy find at GZ



4537 2018-05-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Brentorboxer!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

5193 2018-04-05 14:00 Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Found it

Found after a short search while in the area to complete the Roos Tor Ramble listed on the mainstream website.

Apologies for the very late log - making a determined effort to rectify our lax logging on Opencaches.

A bit mystified by the differences between the paper and online logs?


Pictures for this log entry:
Cache log
Cache log

4412 2018-01-22 16:19 Ochico (user activity84) - Found it

Out this way collecting the Roos Tor Ramble caches this was on the route. TFTC 

5678 2018-01-11 22:38 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Found it

For some reason I can't explain, when I recently placed a large series of GC caches on Roos Tor it never occurred to me to find the opencaches which were also on the tor and had been for many years. However, a couple of months later Judy and I decided to complete a nearby letterboxing series so we came on to find the opencaches as well. Despite having been placed nearly 8 years ago this cache was in excellent condition so many thanks for placing.

4316 2017-12-09 18:17 ChudleighTraveller (user activity32) - Found it

This was my second opencache of the day on my list.  After walking the other side of Roos Tor, and down to the River Walkham, I climbed back up and headed over to GZ.  As I approached, there was a reasonable amount of snow on the ground, so I thought this was going to cause me a problem.  Thankfully it didn't, as the coordinates are bang on it made for a quick find.  I carried out the paperwork, and headed off.


4312 2017-12-07 15:34 ed-don (user activity148) - Found it

The coordinates are accurate, the hint is very specific and the location is a logical one. So why, you ask, did it take me almost ten minutes to find this one? Because it is well hidden I answer. Thanks for the detour from the Roos Tor Ramble

4059 2017-06-17 22:00 recommendation dave.johnson (user activity268) - Found it

I had forgotten to call in on this one on my visit around here a month or so ago. Today I was back in the area again with some fellow GS seekers. They were caching on GT Staple so I decided to pop over here and visit this one - perfect weather one of the hottest days this year. Cache found immediately- coords and hint made sure of that- Cache and contents in perfect order and the Bedfford stones were striking against a perfect sky, tftc

Pictures for this log entry:
The cache
The cache

3047 2015-05-10 12:50 Bay Vista (user activity17) - Found it

Parked near the pub and headed around the quarry .

Big hole that

The 10 tourers were a constant stream close by.

The cache took some finding even with the hint but soon felt something plastic.

20miles and they still looked full of energy , just jealous I think

TFTC and walk Laughing

1315 2010-09-12 18:40 Stevenson20 (user activity63) - Found it

Walked to this one from Cox Tor.TFTC.Stevenson20

1321 2010-09-12 17:40 bassred (user activity24) - Found it

A nice day to be on the moor.T4TC.bassred

1212 2010-08-28 14:29 windrush cache hunter (user activity97) - Found it

Spot on coords should have meant a quick find but alas they did not!  I Should have read the hint earlier but it's always easy to be wise after the event.   This one was well tucked away and the fact GSAK showed it to be  a regular didn't actually help either as I was looking for something larger.  Iit was a relief to hear the cry of "got it". 2 valuable lessons r-elearned. Many thanks for the cache in a lovely area. 

790 2010-05-30 18:23 Spannerman (user activity192) - Found it

I don't think I took twenty minutes but it wasn't found right away that's for sure. The hint was a real giveaway but putting fingers on it was a different matter. You really have to put all fear aside and just plunge your hands into the depths where the cache awaits. I'm sure this will not get many finds other than Opencachers, letterboxers sticks don't go round cornersWink


738 2010-05-26 11:00 recommendation Amberel (user activity611) - Found it

Another great cache, but also another VERY difficult one. I came here from the Roos Tor TerraCache - it can't be a 5 minute walk between them and yet the "found" times in my log book are 25 minutes apart. That means at least 20 minutes searching, even with such an explicit hint.

But eventually, to my great enjoyment, I did find it.

Another Amberel TOP CACHE, thanks for setting it.

Rgds, Andy