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 Log entries A Short History of Shortwood    {{found}} 5x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 3x  

4321 2017-12-16 20:01 Amberel (user activity611) - Maintenance performed

A groundspeak cache was placed within a foot of this cache, so I have moved it away a little and adjusted the equation to give the new location. All good to go.

4282 2017-11-12 23:30 Paulared (user activity3) - Found it

Stumbled upon this one by accident today whilst looking for another one so didn't really complete this as designed but signed anyway.

2937 2014-10-23 13:17 gusgriller (user activity1) - Found it

Found with tttppp.

A fun and informative multi-cache. Thanks.

2936 2014-10-23 13:15 TTTPPP (user activity8) - Found it

With the help of an email exchange with the setter, found. Tftc!

2935 2014-10-20 16:11 Amberel (user activity611) - Note

Apologies to the last person to look for this, the area has been pretty much cleared and the cache has gone. I've put out a new one about 30 feet from the original location, and I've updated the co-ordinates and the encrypted hint.

If TTTPPP still have their workings out I'd appreciate it if they can check the new page is correct, but if not I'm happy to provide them with the new co-ords and hint.

Rgds, Andy

2934 2014-10-16 14:05 TTTPPP (user activity8) - Didn't find it

The brambles seem to have been cut back as we easily made it to where the coordinates/hint pointed at. Had a good look before spotting that it had been moved 10 feet. Had a look in all other likely locations within that radius, but no joy.

2644 2013-05-11 17:00 Amberel (user activity611) - Note

Been 18 months since this one was found. Called in while walking on the common with the family, to find the brambles had taken over. I gave up on it, but my daughter stuck it out and eventually managed to retrieve the cache. We put it back about 10 feet away where it is much easier to get to!

Rgds, Andy

2104 2011-11-02 14:32 The White Family (user activity97) - Found it

---(2011-11-02 14:32:00---(Find 6876)---
We've visited Shortwood Common before while caching and have always found it a strangely peaceful oasis between the busy roads. Today we had a pleasant stroll around the common and were lucky with our choice of noticeboards. We're sure we've seen this container before Wink.

Thanks for the cache.

1951 2011-09-21 13:48 jasio_m (user activity2) - Found it

I enjoyed this cache very much. There is some interesting info on those signs and finding them all made for a nice lunch-time walk. Final cache found easily.

1947 2011-09-09 23:59 Amberel (user activity611) - Note

I have hidden caches on Shortwood Common before, but this is an entirely new cache, completely different to any previous ones, and to log it you will need to visit the common again.

Rgds, Andy