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6207 2021-10-27 17:14 strange but untrue (user activity4) - Niet gevonden

On my way to do a bunch of old caches, I thought I'd have a look for this on my way past, to try and break my zero-streak for OC caches.

After getting distracted by the hidden birdhouse for a while (even clearing up the cobwebs in front of it that made me fairly confident it wasn't in use) I took the hint.  Ah, so not the birdhouse then!

I could find what seemed like it should have been the referenced host, but it was quite deteriorated and occasionally a bit buried.  Since this cache wasn't my main target and I had a very long way to walk before the fast-approaching dark (and because alas it's been 2.5 years since the last find), I just looked in the obvious crevices and then let it go.

One day I'm determined to log a find on this site though!

6051 2021-07-01 00:00 OC Team - Notitie van OC Team

Cache of month Hello The White Family!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

5124 2019-04-14 22:12 A_Loved_Scorpio (user activity3) - Gevonden

A lovely day to go on an adventure through Swinley:)Took me to a part of the forest I'd never been too (or couldn't remember). Nevertheless, it was still a good cache :P

5121 2019-04-14 16:26 Nate_22 (user activity4) - Gevonden

Opencache #2 @ 15:26

This was a lovely, well preserved cache, especially for its age. I can't help but wonder why this isn't on Groundspeak though. For it to be found five times in seven years is just such a shame. Two of the hinges are coming off but I think that's just because of age. The log is still nice and dry.

TFTC :-)

4011 2017-05-20 11:48 Woking Wonders (user activity53) - Gevonden

With the CO's recent maintenance visit I was encouraged to return again today. This time I was better equipped and brought a hiking pole to help with the probing. Things looked somewhat different to last time and there seemed to be much less vegetation than in January and the tree is even more disintegrated. Spent a while searching with no success so thought I would refer back to the CO's log to see if I could learn anything to help. 

Failed to get a phone signal at GZ so decided to give up again, but on the way back to the car I did manage to access the old logs so decided to return for one more go. This time a couple of minutes more searching and the hiking pole made contact with the well hidden cache.

Glad to finish this one, and thanks to CO for checking it.


3759 2017-03-02 10:46 The White Family (user activity97) - Er is onderhoud gedaan

---(2017-03-02 10:46:56---(OM)---
Much later than I should have - family problems getting in the way - today I visited the cache following Woking Wonders' DNF. The hiding place has changed much in the four years since I last visited: partly because there's less vegetation due to the season, but mainly because the fallen tree seems to have been pulled apart by some forestry machinery.

I searched for a few minutes and was about to conclude that the cache had gone when I spotted it wedged under one of the broken sections of tree. With some difficulty I extracted the cache and discovered that the container was slightly damaged but still serviceable and the contents were clean and dry. I hid the cache in the same tree within a metre of the original location so the coords and hint are unchanged.

3633 2017-01-07 13:00 Woking Wonders (user activity53) - Niet gevonden

Tried this one today. We had found the original "A Tribute Cache"  back in October 2007, but certainly couldn't remember the his. Spent some time looking today with no success, although I really should have brought a hiking pole to help.

2801 2014-01-29 10:14 Ecky (user activity114) - Gevonden

Was in Swinley Forest today for dog walking. The constant rain didn't stop us and I made sure I've extended the walk to this cache.

I've failed to find the original GC cache (far too complicated for me) so I thought this would be easier. Pah, of course not. There was soooooo much leaves and fallen trees around that it took more than 15 minutes to find.

As it was when Amberel found it, all in good order, dry and clean (kept it this way by sheltering it with my body from the rain, meaning that the rain ran down my neck, but hey, anything for a cache).


"A Tribute Cache"gc
"A Tribute Cache"
Afbeeldingen in deze log:
They were not mind the rain ...
They were not mind the rain ...

2377 2012-08-04 15:41 Aanbeveling Amberel (user activity611) - Gevonden

A flying visit to Swinley Forest this morning. I do love this area, though just at the moment it is plagued by mini-mosquitos.

Didn't take to long to find the cache, and what a pleasure to find one of such a good size, and so clean inside.

The size and condition of the cache contributes to this being an Amberel TOP CACHE (see

Thanks for the cache,

Rgds, Andy