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 Log entries Greator Rocks    {{found}} 7x {{not_found}} 4x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 5x Gallery  

6498 2023-01-02 15:50 ed-don (user activity148) - Found it

An excellent cache which was a challenge to get to. I headed up as far as I thought I could go and realised the cache was another 20m away. Closer inspection showed there was a ledge that could be traversed to get closer to the hide. I arrived at GZ and couldn't spot the cache at first. Use of the spoiler photo showed I had been about 5cm away from the hide...

Getting down was quicker if slightly trickier than getting up. I kept telling myself 'if Dartmoor Dave can do it then so can I'!

If I had a recommendation to give I would award it here because this was great fun

Pictures for this log entry:
Good coordinates!
Good coordinates!
From the top
From the top

6440 2022-06-27 22:19 Mattly777 (user activity2) - Found it

1st cache on a lovely evening,  many thanks ???? 

6391 2022-06-27 22:03 The Wanderer (user activity49) - Found it

This was a great breezy summers evening wander around the upper Becka Brook Valley, following the footpaths and surrounding tors which we practically had to ourselves! 
Our first way point was scrambling up to the summit of this tor, the spoiler being the key to a quick find which my walking buddy Matt unearthed in its hidey hole!!

Pictures for this log entry:
Becka Brook Valley
Becka Brook Valley

6144 2021-09-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of month Hello Dartmoor Dave!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the month


OC Team

5183 2018-06-26 12:50 recommendation Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Found it

An early return for a second attempt here, and very pleased to find the very well-hidden cache this time.

Apologies for the very late log - making a determined effort to rectify our lax logging of Opencaches.


5182 2018-03-31 16:30 Broyleboxers (user activity121) - Didn't find it

Enjoyed the climb up to a great location with spectacular 360 degree views, but had no luck locating the cache despite spending a long time searching.

Must look at the spoiler picture before trying again!


4484 2018-02-11 10:20 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Found it

Really pleased to visit this one today - after my previous failure. Cache is in great condition. The weather was bracing-- but I really don't mind hail- at least I stayed dry. Great views in between hailstorms in lovely sunshine. Thanks  ftc.     The only downside to this one was it shows a Geokrety which was not in the cache..was hoping to up my numbers by 100%  wonder who has it???

Pictures for this log entry:
View to Hound Tor
View to Hound Tor

4470 2018-01-29 19:14 ed-don (user activity148) - Note

I thought about going for this one but when I was half way up the path I thought that clambering up rocks in an area without mobile signal at night on my own was probably not the most sensible thing to do

3826 2017-03-14 17:45 Amberel (user activity611) - Found it

A return visit after a DNF with factotem some time ago.

With reference to the c/o's maintenance log, I'm sure that all of us who couldn't find it had little doubt the cache was still there - it is just very well hidden and at that time had no hint .

The new hint and spoiler made all the difference. For me, the hint was more useful than the spoiler because on my last visit I spent most of my search time about halfway up one side of the rocks. Knowing it was at the top greatly reduced my search area and on this occasion it didn't take long to unearth the container .

This is a great cache in a great location, all the better for having a hint, and the only reason it doesn't get a recommendation is that I have only one left and must reserve it for the 5 Rivers series!

Thanks for the cache,

Rgds, Andy

3680 2017-01-18 22:58 Dartmoor Dave (user activity144) - Maintenance performed

I've been meaning to visit this for some time, but just couldn't believe it wasn't going to be there.  And of course it was, exactly on the coordinates and where it should be.  Cache in excellent condition and only ever found once!  I've now added a spoiler photo and a new hint to make it easier.  I also took the GeoKrety to move on.

3291 2016-03-13 20:19 dave.johnson (user activity268) - Didn't find it

This cache was the main reason for a visit to this area today, but unfortuneately no joy. Spent ages clambering up the steep slope with the dogs left down below. Managed 0m on gps but 20 mins later still no joy- very disappointed. Anyway better do some more GS caches to up my numbers..

3008 2015-03-25 14:38 Factotem (user activity34) - Didn't find it

Visiting with Amberel, had not read the cache page so did not go as high up.

3004 2015-03-25 14:15 Amberel (user activity611) - Didn't find it

Our first opencache of the day, and we gave it a pretty good chance, spending over 30 minutes here.

I found a very steep, narrow gully that stretched from the bottom to the top of the rocks, wet and slippery and densely covered in water plants. I followed it up, negotiating several obstacles and searching the innumerable hiding places as I went, but despite the GPSr indicating just a couple of feet at the halfway point I didn't spot anything. A brief look at the top and I went back down the same way, repeating the search but with no better result.

Reluctantly gave it best,

Rgds, Andy

2938 2014-10-28 14:30 abanazar (user activity41) - Found it

What I like about geocaching is not just a good location, but also the idea of the connection between that place and the person who chose to hide their possessions there. Some of the things I care less about are numbers on some remote database, listing site contrivances of ‘style’ over substance, social media ‘kudos’, unnecessary bureaucracy, etc. Consequently is a great fit for my style of geocaching, and I use it to list a number of my own adventures.

Last night, while preparing for a Go Ape trip at Haldon Forest scheduled for this morning (#1 Son’s birthday treat), I noticed that this opencache wouldn’t be too far away and could give us something to aim for in the afternoon. I also noticed that it hadn’t been found yet, and I’ll admit that the infrequency of finds is another thing I like about opencaches (and terracaches for that matter), as it can strengthen the connection I mentioned earlier.

Anyway enough waffle, we parked up and set off towards Hound Tor. The cache listing was spot on: plenty of people clambering over Hound Tor, but next to no-one heading on to Greator Rocks. No hints or spoilers on the cache page, just the description “placed high up” plus a set of coordinates, which I suspected (or hoped!) would be spot on. Up I clambered and the GPSr duly counted down to a few feet. My two sons caught up with me and we all had a look around for 10 minutes. Just when I was wondering if I should widen the search area, I spotted the tiniest glimpse of tupperware beneath some undergrowth. There it was - found at last, 5 months after it was placed!

I dropped off a geokrety here, which had been languishing for months in one of my groundspeak-listed caches in Wiltshire. I suspect it may languish here for a few months too, but at least there's a chance that keen opencacher Amberel may visit on one of his Dartmoor tours!

Great spot. Thanks very much for bringing us here.

Pictures for this log entry:
Rest of the crew
Rest of the crew