2011-04-19 17:15
- Didn't find it
We looked for ages for this cache. We even had our picnic here, so that we could look longer. The problem was that I had assumed the great GPS reception on Dartmoor would get us right to the spot; however, no cache was found at GZ and there were scores of potential hiding places every couple of metres, all but one of which I think we examined (the one remaining place probably being where the cache is). Over lunch we re-read the logs previously downloaded on the GPSr; It seemed that the Spoiler photo was most useful and unfortunately we didn't have that, nor any fancy smartphone etc. We even phoned Nana Abanazar at her home to get her to "describe" the Spoiler photo; that didn't really work either -- ever tried to get someone to describe an arrow in a sea of boulders! Took consolation in the tiny and easy GC up on top of the slope, but by then we'd had enough. A really interesting place though -- it was just a shame that we ran out of time to actually explore the quarry lake over the other side! (Now that I've seen the Spoiler while logging back at base, we definitely looked left, right, below, above and beyond that area (there were 4 of us too). I guess we could still have missed it though. Unfortunately we're staying 1 hour's drive away from there, and I don't think I'll be able to convince the rest of the family to return for a while!)