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2013-09-20 11:25 Amberel (611) - Found it
Wow, first to find after nearly 4 years. And I came very close indeed to not finding it at all.
There were lots of stones that almost, but didn't quite, fit the hint. After a prolonged search I was really just trying a few final things. I poked my walking stick under a stone and it entered a void - and about 3 feet in I heard the unmistakable rattle of a plastic box.
I pulled out the stick and had a look, but the hole was only about an inch diameter, no way for a cache to get there. I worked out where the end of the pole must be, and it was only a few inches from the edge of the stone - but the grass was growing up tight and flush against the side of the stone.
Gently easing away the grass, I eventually created a small gap, and there was the cache. Quite a bit more easing was needed before I could get it out. What a prize to have won .
As with all SpannerMan caches, there was a swap item inside, a little wire puzzle, and even though I rarely trade I love to see this, it makes all the difference to a cache for me. It was all spotlessly clean and dry, and in excellent condition. Signed the log, left the wire puzzle there and replaced the cache. I left a small stone against the opening to stop the grass growing up in the same spot again, so it should be easier for the next finder.
Thanks for the cache, quite the hardest of the holiday to have found.
Rgds, Andy