Log entries Stargate SN13 7x 2x 5x 1x Gallery
2014-02-25 00:30 pljg (82) - Found it
A Goa'uld computer virus has prevented us from reporting our successful SG-BA15 mission to the slave mines and many elements of our adventure have been classed as state (or county) secrets. I can reveal that steady progress was made with the puzzle in spite of me having lost interest after series 1 or so. In fact, Colonel BradLad may have begun to lose patience with emails along the lines of, "I've solved stage X but I'm stuck now" every hour.
The puzzle was solved but Major antpeng was busy with a half-term expedition and it became clear that the mission would have to be attempted under cover of darkness. We had travelled through this gate before but this trip took us into deeper and more dangerous regions than we had previously seen. I can hardly bear to think about the lives of the Goa'uld's slaves.
Navigation proved tricky in places but we were well prepared and only once became briefly "misplaced". In fact, the most nerve wracking time for me was the minutes spent attempting to dial up the final coordinates. I worried for a while that our efforts had been for nothing and also had time to begin to contemplate the amount of rock a foot above my head.
Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be a mission that, technically, spanned two days and I wonder now whether, what with all the wormhole travelling, we got the date wrong in our log entry.
Once we had found our quarry, we made for our exit gate. It turned out that Dr Jackson's mission time estimate was very accurate including the few minutes (although it felt much longer) that Major antpeng spent trying to open that final stargate. This was a worthy cache for my trusty military boots (Wickes regiment, Trowbridge platoon) finally to fall apart.
Thanks yet again to abanazar. Was it mere coincidence that the aurora borealis was sighted over Wiltshire in the days following our mission?