Log entries Stargate SN13 7x 2x 5x 1x Gallery
2016-12-04 23:33 Paulicus (12) - Found it
Chel hol,
Our usual portal, chaapa'ai HR9, whilst both worthy of admiration and deeply chel nak, is nothing more than a transportation node and is situated far from any potential naquadah deposits. In retrospect, that is probably just as well.
Nonetheless, we jumped at the opportunity to explore the active mine workings leading to chaapa’ai SN15 and managed, eventually, to activate the final gate and meet with the alien resident living in the rarefied surroundings of the final forbidden zone.
Segment by segment, coordinate information for the portal was gathered from throughout the subterranean Goa’uld realm and our hearts repeatedly went out to those responsible for the actual excavation - our fellow humans who have been mercilessly driven by the unfathomable greed of the interloper ha’taaka Goa’uld in their seemingly insatiable quest for yet more of the energetic superconductor.
All in all, we are deeply appreciative of our enlightening if sobering experience and we can only finish by expressing our solidarity to the oppressed and echoing their written sentiments - Arik tree'ac te kek!