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 Log entries GPM1 - GeoPath Moving Cache 1    {{found}} 9x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 3x Gallery  

6088 2021-07-11 10:41 recommendation dixie_gooner (user activity131) - Found it

Myself and NSCR had a rare free day together and had decided to head out on to the Moor. Deciding where to go is always difficult. Dartmoor Dave suggested his new series which mainly comprises of open caches. That series is 13 miles long, today I walked 14 miles and only made a small dent in it before we decided to call it a day due to the weather.


We both like a moving cache and try to move them when we can.  It doesn't always work.  However today we had plenty of opportunity, so picked it up and took it with us.  NSCR did the admin side as he is quicker than me.