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 Log entries Huntingdon Hill    {{found}} 12x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 2x Gallery  

6482 2022-12-26 11:44 The Wanderer (user activity49) - Found it

This was my last summit of a wonderful winter’s walk across the ‘watery morass’ of the upper Aune and Erme countries, whilst doing a maintenance visit to the Ducks Pool memorial letterbox!

I had it all to myself until I descended to the Western Wellabrook, where ironically, I met the hounds of the Boxing Day hunt overlooking Huntingdon as the sun started to set over the crest of the Whittaburrow Ridge towards the SW. Afterwards I had a chilly Easterly night blast as I made my way back to Lyd Gate in the gathering gloom, ITS ALWAYS GOOD TO BE ON DARTMOOR!

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