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 Log entries GPM1 - GeoPath Moving Cache 1    {{found}} 9x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 3x Gallery  

6514 2023-02-12 22:38 dave.johnson (user activity271) - Found it


Had a great walk out to this one with HMW, letterboxing and geocaching along the way! Typically made hard work of getting here via pretty tough terrain which in hindsight was not necessary at all. First decent Dartmoor walk for a long time so a bit daunted by the next stage up to Fordsland!

We considered moving this one, however any movement would have taken it BACK closer to civilisation, AND WE DON'T WANT TO DO THAT DO WE!  This is such a peaceful remote site that it just had to stay here. TFTC and GEOPATH.