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 Log entries 2016 Seven Tors Challenge - Rippon Tor    {{found}} 11x {{not_found}} 2x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Gallery  

6819 2024-06-08 22:21 The Wanderer (user activity51) - Found it

After some commitments in the morning, we decided to head out for a afternoon mooch around Ashburton, which for me has never been the same since the excellent Dartmoor second hand book shop and Trailventure outdoor store were open! Anyway, after tea and cake in Taylor’s it was up to the high moors in the early evening sun for a wander around Rippon Tor. After trying for a letterbox, I returned to this particular outcrop to squeeze and wriggle in all the clefts of the rocks, only to go back to my first crevice and look deeper, ahh. Thanks Dave for replacing, all in good order!